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X-Ray Diffraction Unit (XRD unit)

X-ray structure analysis

- Fabeckstraße 34-36, 14195 Berlin, Tel. 838 55350

Dr. Anja Wiesner (anja.wiesner@fu-berlin.de)
Dr. Simon Steinhauer (s.steinhauer@fu-berlin.de)

Powder diffraction, Single crystal diffraction

Bruker D8 Venture SC-XRD (Cu and Mo x-ray source, Photon II detector, oxford cryostream 700), directly bookable, training required
Bruker D8 Venture SC-XRD (Cu and Mo x-ray source, Photon III detector, oxford cryostream 800), only as a service

Service XRD (XRD-unit - BSM), all BSM users

Booking requirements:
Service for routine measurements is open to all BSM users.
unassisted measurements are possible, training is mandatory.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft